CLEAR is a consortium project led by School for life with YefL Ghana and GDCA as implementing partners. It is a two-and half-year project from 2022 to 2024. CLEAR is funded by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) under the Education OutLoud (EOL) Operational Component 2 (OC2) through Oxfam/IBIS International. The project is being implemented in 6 districts (East Mamprusi, Nanumba North, Northeast Gonja, Talensi, Tatale-Sanguli and Wa West) across 5 regions (Northern, North-East, Savanna, Upper East and Upper West) targeting a total of 2700 citizens of 180 citizens groups.
Overall, the project seeks to contribute to equitable access to quality basic education for children in deprived areas of Ghana by strengthening transparency and accountability. The specific objectives are:
To Mobilize CBOs and communities in deprived districts on their education rights and build their capacity to hold education authorities accountable
Facilitate citizens to generate evidence on basic education delivery for use in national policy dialogue
Enhance the capacity and voice of Northern Ghana CSOs in national policy dialogue on equity in basic education
Influence national policy dialogue to promote equity, accountability, and transparency in basic education
It is expected that by the end of the project:
Citizens in deprived communities understand their educational rights, analyze government commitments, and engage local education authorities on education provision
National policy dialogue is influenced by evidence from the grass-root level for more equitable quality basic education
Northern Ghana CSOs have increased voice in national policy dialogue on equity in public basic education
There is increased focus on and political will to achieve more transparent, accountable, and equitable public basic education