Strategic Actions for Girls Education
The project seeks to embark on strategic actions and policy advocacy to support the creation of enabling environment particularly for girls transitioning from the CBE programme, engage with and advocate the local authorities and the central government for CBE financing and large-scale implementation of the programme by the government. Funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) through STAR-Ghana Foundation under the Gender Rights and Empowerment Programme (G-REP), the strategy is to highlight the critical issues and benchmark these against the government own set-targets and commitments.
The main objective of the project is to contribute to equitable access and quality basic education for girls especially in the Northern Region
To strengthen capacity of school management systems for girls' enrolment and retention especially girls transitioning from CBE.
To strengthen Advocacy for CBE Financing at the Local and National Level.
To strengthen capacity of key stakeholders and document learnings for project sustainability.